1 map ; 39 x 38 cm.Relief shown by hachuresShows the Columbia River region in the Pacific Northwest. Shows the area by a broken black line. Shows mountains, lakes and towns Appendix TT: Improvement of the Willamette River above Portland, Oregon --…
1 map: 32 x 58 cm.Scale: 2 in. = 1 mile.Red lines indicate irrigation ditches and flumes.In 1896 the Lewiston Water and Power Company began work on a series of ditches and flumes which would carry water from Asotin Creek into the area that would…
1 map col. ; 65 x 88 cm. Scale [1:68,760]. 1 in. to 6 miles. Shows roads, rail roads in operation, projected rail roads, post offices, and saw mills. The Yakima Indian reservation, at the lower left corner of this map, was created in 1855. In…
Indians fishing from platforms at Celilo Falls. Supported by cables anchoring near the lips of narrow canyons where fishing is best, the wooden platforms are lowered down the canyon walls within easy reach of the roaring torrent of water.